Your next step:
jump-start your new life
when you immerse yourself in the
Deep Dive into Your Empowerment Program

“I participated in Kate’s free workshop and LOVED it! The modules apply to all of life. The “aha” moments just kept happening – I ended up taking 5 pages of notes, and then I signed up for the full Deep Dive program. I’m excited for the first call!”
~~ Gayle S.~~
Are you living your life in limitless possibility, feeling safe and happy in deepest gratitude?
… or …
are you living in the rear view mirror of the pain of the past?
If you’re NOT consciously living your life from an energy of joy and gratitude, fully immersed in the limitless possibilities of your future …then you’re probably recreating and living the painful experiences of your past.
Until you stop the programming, the disappointments, frustrations and pain of the past, that energy will continue to shape and define your life.
It’s time to put a screeching halt to the energy of your power defaulting to what’s dominant in your subconscious.
It’s time to improve your life – healing that pain of the past in all directions of time – setting yourself free to create and live your happiest, most joy filled life – your version of heaven on earth.
Yeah … living your version of heaven on earth IS possible. It’s not only possible … it’s your birthright.
You deserve a new life — no matter what you have or have not done in your life, you DESERVE to BE Happy.
Let’s get started.
After the How to Win Your Game of Life Workshop, Wilma shared this about the Deep Dive program:
Just for YOU
Have you buckled up in preparation for 2025?
We’re in a new paradigm of living and that new paradigm can be a struggle leaving us battered, bloody and bruised or it can be a time of opportunity, mastery and living your version of heaven on earth no matter what’s going on around you.
Leave the past in the rear view mirror and stop looking back. Together we look forward – healing the pain of the past to set you free to BE, to DO and to HAVE what brings your heart joy and fulfills your square of life.
Together … we fine tune your empowered energy — we learn to manage it and focus it to create a higher outcome – in all directions of time.
New Affirmation Mantra:
Everything in my life is working out for my highest and best good and I’m excited to learn what happens next!
The energy of this year has been pushing you and pulling you into a magnificent whoosh of energy – waking the planet to a new level of remarkable awareness.
The door has opened to overcome physical world challenges of stress, overwhelm and survival mode. The way is now open to manifest the life your heart knows is possible for you.
You want to use this energy to create and live your happiest life – but how?
You must transform the stagnant fear energy of the past to a higher vibration of LOVE.
Do you have the tools/action-steps you need to transform the old and navigate this new energy in ease and grace?
The Deep Dive into Your Empowerment program sets the stage for a new level of mastery as a “navigation roadmap” if you will.
I’ll share insight into the “how and why” we live most of our lives in a vacuum of anxiety – and teach you how to put a screeching halt to that experience and create a new way of empowered living.
This program creates a shield to soften the blow of explosive energy, eases the roller coaster rush of ever-expanding awareness, and supports you to harness the power within you to create and live your new happiest life.
In essence you’ll learn how to BE, Think, See and FEEL beyond 3D – beyond your analytical, reasoning mind – fully empowered – opening the way for breathtaking, magical experiences.
Will you join us and claim the power within you?
I would LOVE to welcome you and support you to improve your life and fulfill your dreams.
Scroll down to get more details and reserve your seat.
6 Deep Dive Calls
Each week we dive deeper into the 10 modules from the Win Your Game of Life Workshop to solidify and anchor your new set of empowerment skills. Together we magnify your awareness of your internal energy and build a solid foundation for your new life. Plus… I prepare you to recognize the side effects of taking your power back. You’ll have what you need to overcome energy contractions, adversity feedback, hidden energy revelations and feelings of separation.
Energy Shifting Meditations
Meditation is a miraculous, life changing support tool that is SIMPLE. Together we’ll hold the safe space to powerfully shift your energy to reconnect with the power within you. You’ll learn a miraculous technique that gracefully guides you to quiet your mind and slip from your analytical head space to your empowered heart space – activating the power within you – healing in all directions of time – opening the way to fulfill the desires of your heart.
Simple Action-Steps
Life is challenging enough without struggling to implement difficult action-steps – that’s why all the action-steps in the Deep Dive program are simple. And… one-size doesn’t fit all, so you’ll have a plethora of simple action-steps at your fingertips. Plus… you’ll be supported to implement your action-steps daily, revealing where you’re using your power and where you aren’t. Using your power becomes your new normal daily experience.
“This has been an amazing program for me. Unfortunately I have not been able to attend live because of my Internet connection but I am so very thankful for the replays.
“I start EVERY SINGLE DAY with the Cleanse and clear away fear meditation, the quiet your mind exercise and the heart space meditation. I have been doing this every day since coming home from the hospital. Accepting what is in the moment and accepting I have the power to change what I’m feeling has really helped me start my day in a higher vibration. No matter what happens during my day I’m able to flow with it. Nothing triggers me. I haven’t experienced any worry. I feel so much gratitude. If I am experiencing something uncomfortable I accept it as a lesson and I am able to move on.
“I set my intentions every day and journal. Before bed I set my intentions and do gratitude journaling. I focus on being present and happy. I do more things that make me happy.
“I feel I have grown so much with this program. I’m a work in progress. My biggest struggle is controlling the monkey mind, especially when I go to bed, but its getting better with the meditations. Thank you Kate for this program. I am Empowered “💖
~~ Annette B.~~
Module Integration to Achieve Empowerment
For 6 weeks we’ll dive deep into the 10 modules – integrating them into a harmonious flow of empowerment
Your Power Within
Do you have any idea how powerful you are? You’ll get clear on the power of the energy within you – what it is, how to access it, how to use it and the awareness to know when you aren’t. Plus you’ll get a simple action-step that reminds you daily to use the power within you.
Safe – in all directions of time
Did you know that subconscious feelings of not being safe sabotages you? You’ll learn how to manage your own internal state-of-the-art security system, over-writing neural pathways of belief and deflecting external stimulus to maintain your inner peace and empowerment.
The Freedom from Survival Mode
We’ll pull back the layers of survival mode – why you’re vulnerable, why it holds you captive and how to diffuse it’s power FOREVER – setting you free to expand your manifesting energy field and bring your desires to fruition.
The Empowerment of Acceptance
You’ll master the energetic vibration of your thoughts and words when we dive deeper into the power of acceptance. This understanding opens the door to re-writing neural pathways of belief that do not serve you as a natural progression to your energetic transformation.
“Kate’s program has helped me realize the importance of setting my intention first thing in the morning and laying out the action steps for the day with help from the angels. When I stay consistent with this daily practice she teaches in this class miracles flow.”
~~Kymberly K.~~
The magic of Intention
When you set your intention do you feel an energetic emotional charge? You’ll learn to use your power with simple action-steps to firmly set, anchor and emotionally charge your intentions with clairity to master “cause and effect.”
The Empowered Awareness of Visioning
Do you “see” yourself living your new life? You’ll take your manifesting skills to a new magical level of empowerment through simple action-steps with impassioned emotions creating your magical roadmap of success.
The Intense Healing of Forgiveness
Are painful memories holding you hostage? You’ll set yourself free from the pain and energy blocks of unforgiveness through simple action-steps through your heart space – healing from deep within — mirroring that healing into the reality of your experience.
The Super-Power of Gratitude
Gratitude is a state of BE-ing. You’ll get access to the safe space to fully immerse yourself in the ecstasy of impassioned gratitude – experiencing the blissful state of receivership – opening the way for your deepest desires to be fulfilled.
The Coherent Peace of Your Quiet Mind
You’ll receive deep insight into your mind’s chatter – from your angelic team of your superconscious/higher-self to the negativity of neural pathways of belief that do not serve you. Plus you will receive simple action-steps to stop the chaos of the incessant negative mind chatter and open the way for your thoughts to flow in harmony from a foundation of LOVE of the highest order.
The BLISS of Infused Love
LOVE is the most powerful magnetic force in the universe – LOVE is your essence. You’ll learn how to manage and focus the power of the LOVE within you to expand your awareness, sync with your superconscious/higher-self – as One with the Divinity within – accessing your Field of Potentiality – Florence calls this space the realm of perfect ideas, science calls this space the Quantum Field.
you’ll get the nitty gritty low down on simple action-steps to release the need to worry and stop hugging stress like it’s your best friend!
You’ll also get immediate access to the magical Daily Journal pages that support you to not only consciously choose the outcome of your day, but show you where you’re using your power – and where you aren’t.
“Just wanted to give a big shoutout to Kate Large and her undeniable ability to share the truths and insights to the mind and intrigue of the teachings of Florence Scovel Shinn! Though I have been a student and follower of hers for some time now, her latest, “Deep Dive Program”, has opened a door that I never even knew had hinges into my life. I have found a new love for myself, my history and my journey by finding the doorknob to forgiveness! It has allowed an aloof addict to recognize life from another perspective of the circle and I am beyond grateful. Well worth the time effort and tears.. Thank you Thank you Thank-you Kate! You share Love like God shares sunshine and I am proud and blessed to call you my friend!” 💖
~~Donna W.~~
Your ~ New ~ Life
When you fully immerse yourself into this interactive program – embracing the insight and understanding, implementing the simple action-steps and shifting into the LOVE of the meditations, you will:
- naturally flow into creating the new foundation for your happier life
- feel the strength and stamina to manage whatever happens outside of you with ease and grace
- discover just how powerful you really are
- have the skills to focus and manage the power within you to BE happier – working with the flow of ascended energy – a magnet for the desires of your heart
Reserve YOUR Seat!
Deep Dive into Your Empowerment
NOTICE! This program has already started – but it is NOT TOO Late to participate. When you register, you’ll get immediate access to the first call!
Dates – 6 weeks: Wednesdays – November 6, 13, 20, 27, December 4, 11
Time: 4pm ET – check the world time clock for your time
Duration: 60 minutes – first call may go a little longer
Location: Zoom
** Calls are recorded
BONUS – guided meditations
BONUS – guided daily journal pages – PDF
BONUS – Chaos Flush Energy System Attunement
BONUS – Empowerment Journaling Workshop
BONUS – Win Your Game of Life Workshop
FYI – while I’m presenting the class, we turn off all video cameras and microphones and I share my screen. It’s necessary to turn off the cameras because I get motion sick when people move around plus I’m easily distracted. As a result I’ve learned it’s best to turn the camera’s off to stay focused – and healthy
— questions may be asked when the presentation of the class is complete.
If you’ve hesitated to join the class because you don’t want to be on camera – no worries – a working camera is not necessary. Join us!
Option 1 – $297
$197 – 1 payment
~~ Payment options include PayPal, Venmo, Pay Later & Debit/Credit
Option 2 – $175 – 2 payments
$111 – 2 payments/30 days apart