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Hi there… I’m Kate.

I show and teach you how to improve your life – no matter what’s going on around you.

The angels and I create a safe loving space for you to reconnect with the essence of love that you are where you will identify beliefs that sabotage you and hold you back.  Then together we transform hidden fears to love and re-write those Neural Pathways of Belief that have been standing between you and the happy life you deserve.

I’ll show you step-by-step how to work with LOVE of the highest order and reconnect with the brilliant power within you, syncing with the greater consciousness to create and live your happiest, most magnificent life.  Plus… you’ll learn what to do when you subconsciously take fear energy back and play with it (we’re all human after-all).

It’s time to get serious
about improving and enjoying your life!

I want to welcome you to the opportunity to get support tools and information you need to finally ~ consistently ~ improve your life!

In all likelihood this isn’t your first rodeo when it comes to spirituality, trying to overcome fear and master the Law of Attraction.  You’ve probably taken classes, read books, tried meditating and forgiveness, and thought: this is great!  Then when the book, class or meditation completed, you forgot to consciously choose who you want to be each day.  As a result you defaulted to the dominant energy of your subconscious without implementing anything you learned consistently, so nothing changed.  I’ve done this too, it’s how we humans operate.

Now, all these years later…, you’re still struggling.

Wouldn’t it be awesome if you knew what to do and didn’t struggle anymore?

 Here’s what Jeanne had to say about her VIP day:

The Virtual VIP Day with Kate magically transformed my life immediately! Our time together saved me…

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More of Jeanne's magical VIP day

The Virtual VIP Day with Kate magically transformed my life immediately! Our time together saved me months of struggling and still I may not have been able to make the changes necessary on my own. Kate gently and clearly guided me through the process of releasing the torment I had been carrying and saved the love of my life!

I scheduled my Virtual VIP Day with Kate at a time when I felt incredibly oppressed and overwhelmed by a situation that, from the outside, seemed easy to deal with. But the reality was this life situation was tearing me apart. I felt emotionally depressed and almost physically attacked, like my cells were constantly rejecting me being there. Although I was strongly considering leaving everything behind, I also felt that there was an opportunity for me to grow and live my life in happiness, should I succeed in overcoming my feelings.

Pretty early in the session, Kate uncovered why these people had such an impact on me: I had experienced many lifetimes of being oppressed and abused by them. In previous lifetimes they had abused their position and power over me, but in this lifetime I have evolved. I’m no longer in a place of being forced to be subservient to them, yet the painful energetic cords that bind us together from the past were still there causing me to feel helpless and powerless.

With this knowledge, Kate and I then proceeded to a magical session where Archangel Michael and his angels of mercy came to help me cut these cords. When the cords were disconnected from me it felt as though a physical weight was lifted from my body. My cells reinvented a new DNA that no longer carried the history of my lifetimes involving my oppressors. I was freed! Free to stay where I was, in my home, claiming my own power back!

Needless to say, it has been a bit of a fun ride adjusting to these new feelings, embracing my power without allowing it to be too strong and working on finding enough love to accept these people as they are. I have used the tools Kate shared with me and created a firm foundation of balance and love. As a result others have no impact on me or control over me. I’m happy and secure in who I am and my place in my world. Also, as promised by my angels, I have been sent earth angels to support me and help me bring the change of love and light to my household!

I wish anyone who struggles with a situation or relationship the strength to open their heart to the opportunity to reclaim their power and create love and joy as their life path. All I can say is thank God for Kate!

~Jeanne Thunin

I believe… without any doubt… that You Deserve to Be Happy.  No matter what you have or have not done in your life, happiness is your birthright and the dreams of your heart are possible.

If you’re serious about improving your life, click and scroll through the website.  Anchor your connection here and look further into where you are drawn.  What service or product will help you the most: a class, program or meditation?  the membership?  a private session?  or will the newsletter be enough?

There’s No – Good – Reason for you to continue struggling on your own.

I would love to work with you and teach you to not only manage and focus your energy to improve your life today, but show you how to make Being in Your Power your NEW – NORMAL way of living.

You’ll learn a new, very special set of skills … and … when you forget everything you’ve learned because “life happens” you’ll have simple action-steps on hand to master taking your power back.

You have the power to create and live your version of heaven on earth.  I believe it.  It’s time you believed it, too.

I’m excited to meet you and support you to live your biggest, most magnificent life.

You’ve come to the right place – thank goodness you’re here – scroll down to get the support you’ve been looking for!

Here you’ll discover miraculous support tools in the form of classes, masterminds, meditations, angel readings, and private energy sessions, as well as gifts from me.

Who am I?  I’m a metaphysical teacher who has held the safe space for thousands of people all over Mother Earth to master the energetic power within them to improve their lives. Click here to learn more about me.

Take a look below at the upcoming events and register for what resonates with you.  If you have questions, reach out to me.

Manifesting Meditation – these monthly meditations ARE MAGICAL and build your manifesting momentum!  Click here to reserve your seat every month. 

Win Your Game of Life Workshop … the Experience – free workshop
Click here to learn more and reserve your seat!

6-Week Deep Dive into Your Empowerment & jump-start your new life!  Click here to reserve your seat to dive deeper into your power and learn how to use it daily to improve your life.

Masterclass Self-Study based on
* The Game of Life and How to Play It
* The Secret Door to Success
* The Power of the Spoken Word
Florence Scovel Shinn’s books! 
Click here
to learn more and get yours!

** Manifesting with Florence Membership … the Inner Circle – if you’re a student of Florence Scovel Shinn, the doors are open for my membership – and… I’ve updated our weekly meetings – we’re diving deep into Florence’s books one chapter at a time!  Click here to learn more and become a member.

** Florence Scovel Shinn Game of Life group – if you’re on Facebook and are a student of Florence Scovel Shinn, Click here to join my free group.

As a valued member of the Manifesting with Florence Membership …the Inner Circle, you’ll join Kate for these 4 ongoing monthly calls.

First Wednesday call: Treatment
Second Wednesday call: Book Club – Tutor Coaching
Third Wednesday call: Call with Kate
Fourth Wednesday call: Book Club – Tutor Coaching

Click here to learn more and become a member.

Receive loving messages from your angelic team.  Click here to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Work with Kate and your angelic team to stop struggling and implement your power to create and live your happy life.  Click here to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Transform the resistance energy that’s blocking you so you can be free.  Click here to learn more and schedule your appointment.

Reconnect with the beautiful love light that is your essence when you enjoy Kate’s best loved meditations.  Click here to learn more.

Use Kate’s step-by-step guided programs to transform fear to love and use the power within you to create a higher outcome.  Click here to learn more.

Get access to all Kate’s books.  Click here to learn more and order yours.

Receive the Sunday Soul Kiss – a positive, loving affirmation in your inbox on Sundays.  Click here to learn more and register.

Sign up to receive Kate’s newsletter where she shares GPS (guidance plus support) to make your life easier.

I’m so grateful! Everything in my life is working out for my highest and best good & I’m excited to learn what happens next!