
What would it  feel like to live IN the manifesting what you want Zone?

Does it feel like you’re there sometimes, but other times… not so much?

But you KNOW it’s possible!

Question is… how do you acces that Zone and…

how do you stay there?

The monthly manifesting meditations provide a magical space of energetic flow that lifts you from the chaos and trapped feelings of today’s world.

In this space you will come together with like minded souls as a collective consciousness of One…

The chaos will melt away… and in its place… the way is open to BE, Do and Have what brings your heart joy —

financial flow…
perfect self-expression…

Each meditation will guide you to experience the magic of the thoughts, feelings and emotions of being ONE with the divinity within…

and create a tsunami of manifesting energy!

….no matter what is going on around you.

Each month I begin our call with insight to energy – how it works and the power you have within you to focus and manage it. Then I create a safe, loving space that supports you to shift into the LOVE vibration – syncing with your superconscious/higher-self to expand your awareness and open the way to manifest your heart’s desires.

Sound magical?  It is.

Each meditation is a stand alone experience, but when you participate monthly, whether LIVE or listening to the recording, you magnify your manifesting power exponentially!

Crystal shared this about her meditation experience:  I absolutely enjoyed the manifesting meditation! During the meditation and after the meditation, I experienced a calm that I had not experienced in quite a while. Some sticky things have come up in my life, but as a result of the meditation, I received clarity. Now I have an action plan that I didn’t have before! I’m moving forward with all the positivity, calmness and wonderful things you imparted. Thank you!

SCROLL down to secure your seat and NEVER miss this magical meditation!

Manifesting Meditation Membership

Monthly LIVE Zoom calls on or before the New Moon to work with the magnetic pull of energy to magnify your manifesting power within you.

Each call is roughly an hour and is recorded – the recording is available within 24 hours of the call and is downloadable (usually within 2 hours of the call completing).

Monthly drawing from participants who attend the call LIVE for a 30 minute private session with Kate.

Bonuses: recordings of past meditations, Kate’s favorite safe meditation and the magical technique to ‘quiet your mind’ — Plus any goodies in the form of audio or pdf file that Kate includes in the call

Can’t attend LIVE?  Not a problem, the recording is available within 24 hours – usually shortly after the call completes.

Upcoming Manifesting Meditation Dates

October 14, 2023

November 13, 2023

December 12, 2023

January 10, 2024

February 9, 2024

March 10, 2024

April 8, 2024

May 6, 2024

June 5, 2024

July 5, 2024

August 4, 2024

September 2, 2024

October 2, 2024

2024 dates coming soon – this is an ON-Going membership!

Special Founding Member Fee

Previous Manifesting Meditation tickets have been $27 per meditation.  But TODAY you have the opportunity to lock in the Founding Member fee of ONLY $9.99 per month – OVER 1/2 off!  Your fee will NOT go up for as long as you continue your membership.

And… if you choose the yearly membership, you’ll get two months free!  Just how awesome is that?

Membership Fee: $9.99
(recurring charge every 30 days)

Membership Fee: $99 — 2 Months FREE!
(recurring charge every year)