
Empowement Implementation Intensive

guided support to consistently improve your life
and lock in your empowerment mastery

Change is uncomfortable.

That uncomfortable feeling is one reason why it’s so hard to do it on your own.

When you address change with others who are experiencing the same thing, it’s so much easier to face the discomfort and get beyond it, embracing who you really are – empowered, confident, As-One with the Divinity within.

Join me… implement all you’ve learned in a safe environment… and teach your body what your future feels like before it happens.

We’ll be setting intentions, taking action steps and using empowerment support tools.

We will experience results.

Tangible results.

Just for YOU

Implementation Calls

Implementation calls are themed for guided discussion to gain a deeper understanding of your own awareness and empowerment.  Each call opens the way for you to expand your awareness and more firmly set your intentions, locking in your energetic power.


We come together supporting accountability without judgment – supporting you to take empowered action-steps and reminding you to use your empowerment support tools where you improve the vibration of your internal energy every day.


As a collective, Power of Two-Plus, you’ll reap the rewards of being supported to firmly anchor and USE your power Every. Day. — by expanding your awareness, making conscious choices, implementing your action-steps and empowerment support tools to create and live your miraculous, fulfilled life.

This is an ongoing program.  You may purchase a series of 12 calls at a time.

The Empowerment Implementation Intensive isn’t for everyone – this program is… intense, yet… magical with an underlying flow of grace.  Not everyone is serious about mastering their internal power to fulfill their life’s dreams.

Are you serious?

You’ve participated in the Deep Dive program and you saw improvement in your life – you felt the expansion of your own feelings of empowerment and you took your internal awareness to new levels of mastery.

Can you maintain this on your own?  If you can, AWESOME!

But we live in a world that challenges us at every turn.  Would it be easier to manage those challenges with additional support with built in accountability so you can see your mastery results more quickly?

Wouldn’t it be really lovely to lock in being the attraction magnet of experiences that fulfill your square of life – health, wealth, love, perfect self-expression, and everything in between?  Instead of reverting back to the Old-Self that struggled with challenges…

Weekly Loving support opens the way for you to BE the most EmPowered YOU, that you can be – that’s why masterminds are so empowering.  This is not a mastermind, but it’s the Next. Best. Thing.

LIVE Calls + Accountability = Results

We see chaos when we look around us – when we watch the news – but underneath all of that the vibration of LOVE is healing our planet – and that healing LOVE vibration is available to each of us to magnificently improve our lives.  The caveat is that we have to USE the power within us – consciously choosing who we wish to be and how we really want to live – getting clear on what we want and firmly setting that intention not through just words and thoughts, but with the energetic vibration of our feelings/emotions – releasing that human need to force our personal will – becoming a magnet for the true desires of our heart — all that resides in our field of potentiality — and saying good-bye to survival mode for good.

We achieve this together.  Join me to confidently become your true you – fearless, empowered, synced with the essence of the divinity within – vibrating in the LOVE frequency with direct access to your quantum field – that realm of perfect ideas.  When you ARE this state of BE-ing… the desires of your heart are delivered to you – maybe not in an Amazon truck, but just as dependable.

Scroll down and join me for this remarkable experience:  The Empowerment Implmentation Intensive.

I’m excited to welcome you and support you to live your happiest, most empowered life.

Details & Registration

EmPowerment Implementation Intensive Details:

Program Calls:  Series of 12 calls on Thursdays
New Session Begins: August 1, 2024
Time:  9pm ET, 6pm CT, 5pm MT, 4pm PT
Duration:  1 – 1.5 hours
Location:  Zoom
** Calls are recorded

Registration also includes 1 – 30 minute private session with Kate.

Option 1 – series of 12 calls
$1111 – 1 payment
Option 2 – series of 12 calls
$400 – 3 payments/30 days apart