The Best-Kept-Secret to begin improving your life today:  Breathe Deeply

Don’t be thinking… “Wth?  Did she just tell me to breathe deeply?”

Lol … I know you’re breathing…

But … when was the last time you took a Deep Breath when you weren’t exercising or trying to meditate?


Don’t – dismiss – how ~POWERFUL~ breathing – deeply – is … and what implementing this SIMPLE Action Step will do to improve your life!

Did you know …  the typical way we humans breathe is shallowly – AND we hold our breath when we’re stressed?

Then by the end of the day we feel like this:

Did you know … that when you breathe shallowly and hold your breath when you’re stressed, you:

  • rob your body of the vital oxygen it needs to survive causing intense fatigueyell
  • deprive your brain of the oxygen you need to think clearly – causing brain fogtongue-out
  • deplete your immune system – yeah… this can be badsurprised
  • exasperate depression – nothing good about thissurprised

What’s even worse… you probably don’t even know you’re holding your breath because you’ve trained your body to breathe shallowly for years!

When you consistently take full deep breaths throughout your day you will:

  • Nourish your vital organs – especially your brain
  • Boost your immune system – promote healing!
  • Say good-bye to brain fog – focus better
  • Gain clarity of thought to make better decisions
  • Create a deflection shield from negativity and fear
  • Open the way to overcome anxiety, stress, worry
  • Experience more energy and feel better – ultimately creating and living your happy life!!

Use. Your. Power. to consciously choose to breathe more deeply throughout your day. 

When you take deep breaths consistently – you’ll retrain your Vagus Nerve to take deep breaths naturally – increasing your energy – you’ll be thinking more clearly – and you’ll be enjoying your new “super charged” life!

Give this a try for 30 days: make the effort to breathe deeply every 30 minutes – set a timer – you have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING to gain!

Breathing Deeply

consistently throughout your day



slow deep breath — 1, 2, 3, 4

hold — 1, 2, 3, 4

slow exhale — 1, 2, 3, 4

Prosperity Treatment Guided Journey

The Prosperity Treatment Guided Journey is from Module #18 of The Game of Life for the 21st Century program.  This program is based on The Game of Life and How to Play It, by Florence Scovel Shinn.

Florence’s metaphysical teachings have helped millions of people throughout the past 100 years.  When a student needed or wanted to manifest something Florence supported them with a “Treatment.”

Her “Treatments” were an energetic container of belief where the student shifted their energy of belief to knowing that what they wanted was not only possible, but was already theirs.  A Safe Space of belief that they held as the “Power of Two” and made manifesting what they wanted inevitable.

The Prosperity Treatment Guided Journey leads you to “quiet your mind,” ground, and opens the way to your “immediate supply” through a tremendous flow of powerful, love based, prosperity energy. As the treatment completes, you’re guided to ground into that energy and bring it back with you.

This “treatment” is short – short, sweet, and magnificently powerful!

Prosperity Treatment audio click here to download – 11:21 minutes

Transcript click here to download PDF

Thousands of people in over 90 countries throughout Mother Earth have and are receiving my support.  

I’m delighted to serve you!

Dear one…

I’m So-EXCITED you’ve joined the community!

And even more excited at the prospect of supporting you to improve your life!!

I invite you to click through the website to discover what will support you best.

Here are a few examples:

I hold you in my prayers as healthy, safe and creating the highest possible outcome in all areas of your life.

Sending blessings, love and light,

I’m so grateful! Everything in my life is working out for my highest and best good & I’m excited to learn what happens next!