Welcome to the Game of Life for the 21st Century!

Welcome from Kate Transcript

Welcome to the Game of life for the twenty-first century!  I’m so thrilled that you’re here and getting access to this life-changing information, tools and support!

Okay… so this is how the program will flow: Every week you’ll receive an email with the access information for the new module. Each module includes 3 main juicy nuggets:

#1 the current chapter as an audio for listening and a PDF if you prefer to read
#2 an audio that brings information from the chapter into the 21st century along with a PDF transcript
#3 a worksheet to flesh out and integrate the energy of your experiences

You may download everything to all your devices so you can access them over and over – because we all know that every time you interact with Florence’s teachings something new speaks to you!

Oh yes, I wanted to share a little more about the worksheets for each module. You can print out the worksheets, but I recommend getting a spiral notebook or blank journal and writing the info from the worksheet in the journal, then fleshing out your experience. Writing the worksheet questions yourself is very powerful at revealing breadcrumbs of energy and opening the way to expand your awareness.

Please… SCHEDULE the time you need to fully engage in this magical program!

Please be aware, that you’ve opened the door to improve your life and there’s no going back. The negative energy that’s been hiding in your subconscious, blocking you in the past and creating the reality that you don’t like, is going to reveal itself. You may do just fine processing through the curriculum on your own – facing adversity when it comes up, rewriting neural pathways of belief and taking your power back, but if you struggle, you may need a hand of support. I have spiritual energy coaching packages as well as single sessions available. Plus masterclasses and meditations to support you. Just click the Services & Support Tools link at the top of the page and take a look around.

If you have a trusted friend of like mind, maybe they want to join you in this program. If you purchased the program during the early bird special or during a flash sale, let me know and they can join at the same special price and you can enjoy the magic together!

Scroll down and let’s get started!

The Game audio:  click here to download
play time 15:59 mins

The Game chapter PDF file: click here to download

The Game of Life and How to Play It book PDF file: click here

Module #1 - Energetic Power and the Side-Effect of Empowerment

Audio: click here to download
play time 11:35 mins

Transcript PDF: click here to download

Worksheet: click here to download

Bonus Info

When we go to sleep our brains continue to process the events/energy of the day.  When we set the intention to improve our lives, sometimes our dreams can become strange, weird or even nightmares.  When I asked the angels for help with this, they gave me this simple action step:

Before going to sleep, ask your angels to help you to only remember the parts of your dreams that will benefit you during your waking hours.

As a result, you will probably not remember your dreams at all.  But if you do remember, the part you remember holds a message for you – and sometimes, the message is not literal.

Dream Example:  the toilet overflows.  If this were my dream, I would know that change is happening for me, because I know that water in a dream means change – no matter what kind of water.


Love to Self


Note: The meditations and Masterclasses may be purchased individually from the MasterClasses and Meditations page.  They are included in the Manifesting Miracles Membership.