Manifest Central

Woo hoo! You’re IN!
Welcome, welcome, welcome! Thank you for joining me for this exciting workshop to learn how to manifest what you want!
The workshop and Q&A call have completed – download the recording and images used in the workshop below.
This is your central hub for:
- zoom link for the workshop & the Bonus follow-up Manifest Q&A
- recording of the workshop
- bonus meditations – be SURE to scroll down to the bottom of the page to get the meditations!!!
If you have questions, please email me at
ATTENTION: Please access the Zoom call a few minutes prior to the time the call begins – you won’t want to miss anything! We will begin promptly at the appointed time. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will not get access!
RECORDING of the Manifest Q&A Follow-up Call
Click here to download the recording of the Manifest Q&A follow-up call – 1:09:47 mins
Since we are in the pre-shadow of Mercury Retrograde – Mercury goes retrograde Aug 4 – I’ve added the Take Control of Mercury Retrograde & Peek into Your Future program and all the bonus info.
Click here to download audio
Click here to download 10 Tips to Survive Mercury Retrograde
Click here to download 6 things to DO during Mercury Retrograde
Click here to download Mercury Retrograde Calendar (includes pre & post shadow)
Recordings of the Workshop & Meditations
Click here to download the Recording of the Workshop – 2:50:25 mins
Click here for the Manifesting Cheat Sheet – PDF
Click here to download the Quiet Your Mind into Harmony meditation – 2:45 mins
Click here to download the Quiet Your Mind into Harmony meditation + 60 minutes of music – 59:50 mins
Click here to download the Gratitude Boost Immune System meditation – 17:30 mins
Click here to download the Healing Circle of Love meditation (infuse LOVE) – 13:19 mins
Click here to Infuse Your Day & Life with LOVE meditation – 18:01 mins
Click here to download the Manifesting Meditation – 26:58 mins
Powerful Tips
Diamond Steel protection with Your Angels
Ask your angels: Dearest angels, please surround me with your diamond steel forcefield shield of protection filled with strength, stamina and healing love energy that deflects negativity and ALL viruses.
Overcome Uncomfortable Dreams
Before going to sleep – ask your angels to help you to only remember the parts of your dreams that will benefit you during your waking state.
Homework Questions
Answer these questions as if you’re talking to me when I was drowning in survival mode. Explain to me how to overcome the energy and improve my life. Email your answers to — please use the subject line: HOMEWORK
FYI – these are essay questions
1. a. What is survival mode?
1. b. How do I overcome survival mode?
2. How does accepting what my life IS in this moment benefit me?
3. How do I access the power within me?
4. a. Why should I consciously choose to BE LOVE energy?
4. b. How do I do consciously choose to BE LOVE energy?
5. a. What is “infusing LOVE into people and situations?”
5. b. Why should I infuse LOVE into people, situations, my day and my life?
5. c. How do I infuse LOVE into people, situations, my day, and my life?
6. How does meditaiton support manifesting what I want?
7. a. Why does visioning support manifesting what I want?
7. b. How do I vision?
8. How does empowered journaling support manifesting what I want?
Images used during the workshop:
Ima Miracle Magnet – resident stick-man shows how energy works & moves.
Deep breath – drop jaw on exhale to release tension in face, neck, shoulders/body.
Survival Mode shrink wraps your energy to your body – there’s no energy left to think!
Use support tools and take action-steps to manifest what you want – living your fulfilled square of life – your version of heaven on earth.
Survival mode releases chemicals in the body telling the body it’s in danger: run, fight, or hide!
The key to manifesting what you want is to achieve harmonious mind and heart = LOVE energy and sustain the LOVE energy.
Are you vibrating in LOVE energy attracting LOVE experiences or are you vibrating in fear energy attracting experiences you do NOT want?
When your heart and mind are out of coherence/harmony (in survival mode) the brain misfires chaotic thoughts making it difficult to focus — there’s no more energy to think.
Set your intention when you take powerful action-steps.
Infuse LOVE to create a higher outcome for EVERY-THING!
THIS action-step is powerful!
Take control of Cause & Effect.
Daily support tools/action-steps
Disconnecting from the Old-self to BE the New-self is uncomfortable – HOWEVER, it is your sign that you’re becoming your New-self creating your New Life — CELEBRATE!
Bonus Goodies
Click here to download the Forgiveness to Love meditation – 19:40 mins
If you need support with forgiveness, this meditation will support you magnificently!
Quiet Your Mind Exercise – shared with permission of the Chopra Center
Quiet your mind to meditate or just get clarity of thought and jump-start your day!
Click here for the full info – 4:19 mins
Click here for the exercise ONLY – 2:38
Worry Angel Program and Meditation
Click here to download the recording of the Worry Angel Program – includes meditation – 1:00:14 mins
Click here to download the Worry Angel meditation only – 8:46 mins
Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space
This powerful guided journey delivers you to your safe space where a magical waterfall clears away negativity and fear and replaces it with healing, love energy. When you leave your “Safe Space” you will be rejuvenated and empowered with the super powers of strength, stamina and quiet self-confidence.
Click here to download. 20:40 mins — This is my FAVORITE! xoxo Kate