
Make a wish

… and blow …


Manifesting what you want is

… this simple …


Join Kate for the


Manifest What You Want

& WIN Your Game of Life Workshop


and take your manifesting skills
to a new level of mastery that Changes. EVERY. THING.
Plus … get your Manifesting Cheat Sheet.
YES! Show me how - register me NOW!

Are you an expert at manifesting what you want?


Are you an expert at manifesting what you DO NOT want?


Scroll down to learn more – you don’t want to miss this!

If you’re  an expert at manifesting what you Do-NOT want – I feel your pain – I made manifesting what I did NOT want an art form.  I created a cycle of awfulness over and over again – that’s right – I was NOT born with a silver manifesting spoon in my mouth – I had to figure it out – and I did figure it out when…

I learned the ONE thing that changed Every-Thing.

Now I’m teaching the One Thing.

Are you like me, and everyone else on the planet?  You’ve  done everything the manifesting guru’s have told you to do.  You’ve said affirmations like a mantra, you’ve probably created a vision board, you’ve journaled your little heart out in those blank journals, praying and hoping, but here you are … still struggling in lack and despair – wishing for something better while you’re drowning in anxiety …… but everything is staying the same – an abundance of LACK, despair and anxiety.  Life in this moment is a basket of chaos, confusion, overwhelm and stress!

Let’s get real … you’ve probably been working at manifesting ‘material things’ and ‘experiences’ for years.  But now … you can feel there’s been a shift – you’re not sure what it is, but something is happening energetically and you know – You-Just-KNOW that the life you want to live is juuuust within your reach.

You want something better —

& you know in your heart that you can have something better.

Maybe you want more money, a divine partner, a better job — maybe you want to start your own business — or maybe you just want to buy anything you want at the grocery store.  MAY-beeee … you just want to feel happy – or happier … or maybe … you want a NEW-Life.

You can FEEL it … you’re alllllmost there … but you’re not sure what to do to “Get-There” – you’re not sure what to do to master manifesting what you want – because you’ve tried EVERY-THING!

 Not to Worry!

You’re in the right place

to get the guidance and clarity you need

to jump-start manifesting what you want.

Now that you’re SERIOUS … now that you’re ready to take the next step to up-level and master your manifesting skills, your teacher has arrived.

Manifesting what you want isn’t rocket science.

When you have all the moving parts in place, it’s simple really.

When you understand the mechanics of manifesting, implement your new energy, and use your new manifesting skill-set, those wishes you’ve been wishing …

They. Come. True.

What your heart wants to experience IS Possible.  You have the ‘thought’ of what you want because it’s within your field of potentiality – the ‘idea’ came from your superconscious/higher-self.

Today, you’ve been led here to get what you’ve been asking for – guidance to manifest the life your heart longs for.

It’s time to STOP the manifesting chaos and use your power to fulfill your square of life – e.g. health, wealth, love and perfect self-expression – and of course that includes everything in between!

No matter what you’ve tried in the past, You-Have-the-Power within you to manifest what you wish to be, do and have – no matter what’s going on around you.  All you need is a clearer understanding of how to use your power and to implement that new understanding.

I’ll share with you the side-effect that NOBODY talks about


I’ll teach you what to do about it.

Plus … I’ll give you action-steps to take when those crazy 911 freak-out experiences happen.

Join the workshop and:

  • overcome the mysticism of manifesting – it’s not a secret
  • learn what manifesting really IS and what it isn’t
  • understand why your affirmations don’t come to fruition
  • learn how to apply the power of your intention correctly
  • fine tune your internal frequency to align with what you want
  • deflect the chaotic negativity around you
  • find out what shrink wrap has to do with manifesting
  • take fake it till you make it to a new level of empowered mastery
  • learn SIMPLE action-steps that build your new foundation for living – as an expert at manifesting what you want
  • get the Manifesting Cheat Sheet that supports you to stay on track and manifest what you really want over and over again
  • make manifesting what you want inevitable

NOTE:  This IS an experiential workshop.

We WILL be moving energy together!

Implement what you learn and …

… Manifest what You Want ...

Ponder this …

It’s really hard to manifest a new car
when you’re sitting in one that won’t start.

If you’ve ever thought something like this,

you’re right.

Or …

It can be the perfect time!

What makes it the perfect time?

Join me on Saturday, July 20th and I’ll explain in DETAIL.

It’s time to STOP pushing and forcing and hitting brick walls.

Register for the workshop and together we’ll

bridge the gap between manifesting what you don’t want

and manifesting what you DO want.

And I promise … if bridging the gap hurts

I have a healing action-step you can use immediately.

You’re not winging it on your own anymore.

Manifest What You Want
Accelerator Workshop Cheat Sheet

Sometimes the hardest part of manifesting is to remember to take our action steps.  Kate provides a cheat sheet that you can easily keep on your phone or print out and tape to your bathroom mirror to REMIND you each day until your action steps become the foundation for living your life.

Kate’s Best Loved Meditations
super charged with LOVE energy:

~~ Infuse People/Situations with LOVE meditation
~~ Infuse Your Day/Life with LOVE/Acceptance meditation
~~ Manifesting meditation
~~ Forgiveness to LOVE meditation
~~ Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space meditation

Meet Your Worry Angel Program

You’ll get the full Worry Angel Program that will fill you in on all the nitty gritty details of how completely irresponsible worrying is – why its hurtful to your body as well as your state of mind – along with the meditation to meet your Worry Angel. 

Quiet Your Mind to Powerfully Meditate

All Kate’s meditations guide you to quiet your mind to connect more easily with the divinity within you.  You’ll get access to the quiet your mind exercise technique shared with permission of the Chopra Center.

Diamond Steel Force Field Shield

Kate’s Diamond Steel Force Field Shield powerfully protects you from negativity and chaotic energy from people and life experiences.

Uncomfortable Dream Remedy

When you set your intention to improve your life – and this workshop firmly anchors that intention – you may experience uncomfortable dreams – Kate has a remedy for that.

Reserve YOUR Seat!

Manifest What You Want & WIN Your Game of Life Workshop

Date !!CHANGE!! – Saturday, July 20, 2024
Time: Noon ET – check the world time clock for your time
Duration: 2.5 – 3 hours – don’t get freaked out about how long this is – THIS Workshop WILL Change Your Life!
Location: Zoom – microphones and cameras will be OFF during the workshop – questions may be asked at designated times
BONUS:  1 person will be chosen for a special bonus from those present for the LIVE presentation of the workshop
** Call will be recorded

Option 1 – Workshop Only

Workshop FEE – $175
VIP Workshop FEE – $98 EXTENDED since workshop was pushed out

Option 2 – BUNDLE Workshop + 30 minute private session with Kate – save $50

Workshop + 30 Minutes with Kate – $250
VIP Workshop + 30 Minutes with Kate – $175 – EXTENDED since the workshop was pushed out

Private session with Kate is all about YOU.  Thirty minutes of uninterrupted time to discuss whatever you need support with.  We’ll schedule your time through email after the workshop completes.

If you’re hesitating to join the workshop because you don’t want to be on camera – no worries – a working camera is not necessary.  Join us!

FYI – while I’m presenting the workshop, we turn off all video cameras and microphones and I share my screen.  It’s necessary to turn off the cameras because I get motion sick when people move around, plus I’m easily distracted.  As a result I’ve learned it’s best to turn the camera’s off to stay focused – and healthy — questions may be asked when the presentation of the workshop is complete – so bring your manifesting questions!