
Welcome, welcome, welcome!  Thank you for joining me for this exciting adventure with Florence as a self-study!

Below you’ll find access to:

  • the class recordings + the recording of each corresponding chapter of The Game of Life
  • the PDF file of The Game of Life Manifesting Playbook
  • all the bonus content — and there is a LOT
  • Click here to download the PDF of The Game of Life and How to Play It.

If you have questions, please email me: kate @ katelarge.com — please put GAME OF LIFE in the subject line so I see it easily!

Class Call #1 – The Game

Click here to download the recording. 57:48 mins

Chapter 1 – The Game: Click here to download the recording.

Class Call #2 – The Law of Prosperity

Click here to download the recording. 52:48 mins

Chapter 2 – The Law of Prosperity: Click here to download the recording.

Bonus Goodies (click the titles to access):

Guided Journey edited: Visioning Manifestation with Power of Two 5:52 mins

Prosperity Vibration meditation  8:26 mins


Class Call #3 – The Power of the Word

Click here to download the recording. 46:05 mins

Chapter 3 – The Power of the Word: Click here to download the recording.

Bonus Goodies (click the titles to access):

Love meditations to shift your energy: Love to Self, Love, Shift Your Energy to Love, and Prosperity Vibration

More meditations of support: Forgiveness, Worthiness, Tap Into Your Higher Self, Clear Your Chakras with the Healers of the Light

Give Yourself the Gift of Forgiveness masterclass – 5 segments

Class Call #4 – The Law of Non-Resistance

Click here to download the recording. 50:10 mins

Chapter 4 – The Law of Non-Resistance: Click here to download the recording.

Bonus Goodies (click the titles to access):

Meet Your Worry Angel webinar & meditation

Master Loving Relationships webinar

Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness webinar with handouts

Sedona Method of Release PDF

Class Call #5 – The Law of Karma & The Law of Forgiveness

Click here to download the recording 55:42 mins

Chapter 5 – The Law of Karma & The Law of Forgiveness: Click here to download the recording.

Bonus Goodies (click the titles to access):

Meet Florence – guided meditation

Create Your Version of Heaven on Earth – 4 session program

Class Call #6 – Casting the Burden

Click here to download the class recording 53:44 mins

Chapter 6 – Casting the Burden: Click here to download the recording.

Image used for the call:

Bonus Goodies (click the title to access):

Love to Self meditation: This meditation gently guides you to send love to yourself to heal all aspects of you, including your inner child.

Class Call #7 – Love

Click here to download the class recording 52:49 mins

Chapter 7 – Love: Click here to download the recording.

Bonus Goodies (click the title to access):

Prosperity Vibration meditation  8:26 mins

Class Call #8 – Intuition & Guidance

Click here to download the class recording 44:29 mins

Click here for the Treatment for Immeidate Supply recording 16:33 mins

Chapter 8 – Intuition or Guidance: Click here to download the recording.

Spoken word for the Treatment for Immediate Supply:

Infinite Spirit, open the way for MY Immediate Supply, let all that is mine by Divine Right now reach me, in great avalanches of prosperous abundance under grace, in miraculous ways for the highest good of all thank you, thank you, thank you…

Then I asked: Infinite Spirit, show us the action steps we are to take to manifest great prosperity from within to without – give us the wisdom to understand the steps and the strength to take them.

Class Call #9 – Perfect Self-Expression or the Divine Design

Click here to download the class recording 44:56 mins

Chapter 9 – Perfect Self-Expression or the Divine Design: Click here to download the recording.

Class Call #10 – Denials & Affirmations

Click here to download the class recording 30:55 mins

Chapter 10 – Denials & Affirmations: Click here to download the recording.

To continue the weekly support, you’re invited to join the Manifesting with Florence …the Inner Circle Membership.  To learn more and join us, take a look here:  https://www.manifestwithflorence.com/

The Game of Life Manifesting Playbook is the perfect guide to show you where you’re using your power and where you aren’t.  The Daily Journal pages and Weekly Progress Gameboards walk you step-by-step through setting your new foundation of Love energy.  Plus it includes blank pages at the back to take notes and document your experience with the class.

You may order the paperback playbook from Amazon OR download the PDF file to all your devices.  The PDF file is 12 pages, the paperback is 332 pages and includes 3 months of daily journaling pages.

There are 3 ways to use the playbook:

Click one of the links below to order the playbook from Amazon:  United StatesAustraliaCanadaFranceGermanyItalyJapanSpainUnited Kingdom
13 digit ISBN:978-0982606162

Download the PDF to your devices, then document in a Spiral Notebook – no need to print out.

Click here to download the playbook pages PDF.

Download the PDF of the playbook and PRINT Out the pages, hole punch and keep in a 3-ring-binder.

Click here to download the playbook pages PDF.

Quiet Your Mind Exercise – shared with permission of the Chopra Center

Quiet your mind to meditate or just get clarity of thought and jump-start your day!

Click here for the full info – 4:19 mins

Click here for the exercise ONLY – 2:38

Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space

This powerful guided journey delivers you to your safe space where a magical waterfall clears away negativity and fear and replaces it with healing, love energy. When you leave your “Safe Space” you will be rejuvenated and empowered with the super powers of strength, stamina and quiet self-confidence.

Click here to download.  20:40 mins — This is my FAVORITE!  xoxo Kate

Resistance Energy
* Referenced Call #1 The Game

Resistance Energy is an angst feeling in our body that signals an energy/negative belief that’s standing between us and what we want to manifest.

Click here to download the recording of the Resistance Energy Game of Life Module call from the Manifesting with Florence Membership.

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Follow the Energy Breadcrumbs to Re-Write Neural Pathways of Belief/Subconscious Records
* Referenced Call #1 The Game

This module will teach you:

  • what an Energy Breadcrumb is
  • how Resistance Energy is a red flag and 5 simple steps to master it
  • the power of acceptance
  • how to re-write neural pathways of belief
  • how to create a higher outcome when its nowhere in site

Click here to download the audio – 19:24 mins

Click here to download the Transcript of the LIVE call.

Click here to download additional information PLUS a Worksheet!

Click here to download Worksheet ONLY.

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The Sedona Method of Release
* Referenced in Call #3 The Power of the Word

The Sedona Method of Release is a simple, powerful way to process through blocked energy.  I was introduced to it a few months after my dad died because I wasn’t doing well with the grief.  After Daddy died, he immediately came in and started talking to me – just like we’d been doing over the phone for years.  As a result, my body and mind weren’t in agreement about grieving and it was showing up as a physical symptom:  I had a perpetual feeling of being pushed backward at the shoulder!

I wasn’t dizzy, I just felt pushed.  It was so strong that if I was cooking, I had to hold onto the oven door to stay next to the stove – or lean INTO the kitchen sink if I was washing dishes.

My friend, Barbara Mark (co-author of Angelspeake – shameless plug for Angelspeake from Barbara, she’s so cute), insisted I ask her daughter, Suzanne, to help me through her work with the Sedona Method of Release.  — she said if I didn’t call Suzanne, she’d make an appointment for me herself!

I made the appointment and worked with Suzanne – just as we got started, the feeling of being pushed backwards was so strong I had to lie down on the floor in my office to continue, but it worked! By the time we completed, I could stand upright freely.

You can work with someone or you can use this method by yourself.

Click here to download the .pdf of the method.

How to Infuse/Send Love to Create a Higher Outcome
* Referenced Call #1 The Game

Infusing situation/people with LOVE energy shifts you from fear to love energy and opens the way to create a higher outcome.

Click here to download the recording of the Game of Life Module call from the Manifesting with Florence Membership.

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Love Meditations just for you!

Love to Self – this mediation gently guides you to send/infuse yourself with love to heal all aspects of you, including your inner child.
Click here to download – 15:25 mins

LOVE Meditation – invigorate and energize your mind, body, and spirit as you shift into the higher vibration of LOVE energy in less than SIX minutes!
Click here to download – 5:29 mins

Shift Your Energy to LOVE Meditation – no matter what your life looks liek right now, you’ll be gently guided to shift your energy to LOVE.  As a result you’ll open the way for the highest outcome in all areas of your life.  This technique works with everything – relationships, life situations…
Click here to download – 14:23 mins

Prosperity Vibration Meditation – this powerful meditation shifts your energy to the vibration of LOVE from deep within to align your three levels of consciousness and manifest LOVE experiences without!
Click here to download – 8:26 mins

More Meditations to support you!

Forgiveness Meditation – Give the gift of forgiveness to yourself to heal unforgiveness energy blocks.
Click here to download – 11:25 mins

Worthiness Meditation – breathe easily into the state of worthiness in love and light to draw to you all that makes your heart sing with joy.
Click here to download – 7:40 mins

Tap into Your Higher Self (SUPERCONSCIOUS) – this meditation guides you to open the door and connect with the higher wisdom of your higher-self and those of the angelic realm.
Click here to download – 16:33 mins

Clear Your Chakras with the Healers of the Light – the healers of the light gently join you to clear away trauma and fear debris from your Chakras.
Click here to download – 16:09 mins

Meet Florence – Kate gently guides you to a private meeting with Florence where you get the opportunity to visit with her.  If you want more time, pause the recording.
Click here to download – 11:35 mins

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Give the Give of Forgiveness Masterclass

In this program you will learn:

  • the power unforgiveness has and how it holds you hostage from true happiness
  • how to create a safe space with your angels to face experiences where you were the victim
  • how to identify unforgiveness when it is buried in your heart
  • how to open your heart to love in order to forgive
  • how to face unforgiveness, disconnect from it and heal it
  • how to forgive others – yourself – and uncontrolable experiences
  • how to accept that you cannot control the actions of others or of Mother Nature – through acceptance you release your need to control (feelings of powerlessness) to step into your power (calm assertive energy) with energy that is fully in control (POWERFUL!) to create as your reality all the dreams of your heart in Love, Light and Joy!

5 segments of the masterclass:

Segment #1 – The Power of Forgiveness
Click here to download – 24:26 mins

Segment #2 – Facing Unforgiveness
Click here to download – 3:05 mins

Segment #3 – Identifying Hidden Unforgiveness
Click here to download – 5:14 mins

Segment #4 – The Gift of Forgiveness Guided Journey
Click here to download – 15:33 mins

Segment #5 – Forgiveness is Yours
Click here to download – 2:52 mins

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Meet Your Worry Angel Webinar & Meditation

Everyone has a Worry Angel – his job is to take your worries so you can be free to enjoy your life.  It’s NOT your job to worry – about anything.

Meet Your Worry Angel Webinar – recording of LIVE webinar
We’re taught that we’re not responsible adults if we don’t worry about everything!  This is a lie.  This webinar reveals the nitty gritty truth about worrying, how I learned about our Worry Angel and how to work with him – includes a guided meditation to meet and work with him.

Click here to download the webinar recording – 48:40 mins

Meet Your Worry Angel Meditation – edited from the webinar
Click here to download the meditation – 8:46

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Master Loving Relationships Webinar

Relationships aren’t about others — they’re about “us.”  Get step-by-step guidance to master relationships from family to work and everything in between.  You will:

  • Understand why people who beat you up energetically are important and valuable
  • Learn why you’re being forced to question/look at energy of experiences of the past
  • Identify and release the silent, hidden energy that attracts drama to you
  • Replace Be-ing a victim with Be-ing calm, assertive and empowered
  • Create loving relationships from the inside out with others and yourself through forgiveness
  • Face and disconnect from the drama of the past from a new vibration of BE-ing
  • Stand firm, safe and confident with empowered strength and stamina without shame, guilt or apology in any situation
  • Expand your awareness as the brilliant, loving light that you are to attract to you beautiful loving relationships
  • Command respect through your energy!

Click here to download the webinar recording – 1:00:44

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Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness Webinar

Become an affirmation rock star with you learn the power of affirmations with Dr. Anne Marie Evers and Kate.  In this exciting program, Dr. Anne Marie Evers and Kate share the power and inner workings of Affirmations.  You’ll get the 5 “Ws” of affirmations and learn how to access the higher vibration energy of Affirmation Power to attract the desires of your heart like a magnet!

Dr. Evers has been using affirmations for over 60 years and she’s a true testament that “When used properly, affirmations ALWAYS work!”  She is the author of Affirmations: Your Passport to Happiness.

Click here to download the webinar recording – 1:06:16
Click here to download the webinar handout – PDF
Click here to download the Magic Magnetic Circle – PDF
Click here to download the Master Affirmation Contract – PDF

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Create and Live Your Version of Heaven on Earth

Love is the most powerful, magnetic force in the universe and is what creates our heaven on earth. Get step-by-step guidance to shift your energy to love.

Session ONE sets the foundation to understand the lower vibration of fear we normally exist in and reveals the power of love source energy.
Click here to download – 20:20 mins

Session TWO explores the healing power of love and the Healing Circle of Love technique.  You’ll be guided as to what to expect and how to prepare to shift to love source energy.
Click here to download – 10:41 mins

Session THREE guides you gently to send love to yourself to deeply heal all aspects of you, including your inner child.
Click here to download – 15:25 mins

Session FOUR guides you to shift your energy from all forms of fear with regard to relationships and life situations outside your control to the powerful energy of love.
Click here to download – 15:19 mins

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