
Welcome, welcome, welcome!  Thank you for purchasing the Power of the Spoken Word Self-Study.

Be sure to download the files to all your devices:

  • recordings of all classes
  • recording of each chapter of The Power of the Spoken Word
  • pdf of The Game of Life Manifesting Playbook and direct links for purchase at Amazon
  • bonus meditations, masterclasses and more
  • Click here for the PDF of The Power of the Spoken Word.

If you have questions, please email me at kate@katelarge.com

Class Call #1 — Chapter 1 – Weapons Ye Know Not Of

Click here to download the class call – 57:14 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins

Click here to download Chapter 1 – Weapons Ye Know Not Of – 15:26 mins

Class Call #2 — Chapter 2 – I Give Unto You Power

Click here to download the class call – 47:39 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here to download Chapter 2 – I Give Unto You Power – 16:49 mins

Class Call #3 — Chapter 3 – Be Strong; Fear Not

Click here to download the class call – 53:34 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here to download Chapter 3 – Be Strong; Fear Not – 21:09 mins

Class Call #4 — Chapter 4 – The Glory of the Lord

Click here to download the class call – 46:25 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here to download Chapter 4 – The Glory of the Lord – 15:30 mins

Class Call #5 — Chapter 5 – Peace and Prosperity

Click here to download the class call – 44:31 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here for the audio of Chapter 5 – Peace and Prosperity – 12:02 mins

Gift the Gift of Forgiveness Program

Segment #1 – The Power of Forgiveness
Click here to download – 24:26 mins

Segment #2 – Facing Unforgiveness
Click here to download – 3:05 mins

Segment #3 – Identifying Hidden Unforgiveness
Click here to download – 5:14 mins

Segment #4 – The Gift of Forgiveness Guided Journey
Click here to download – 15:33 mins

Segment #5 – Forgiveness is Yours
Click here to download – 2:52 mins

Class Call #6 — Chapter 6 – Your Big Opportunity

Click here to download the class call – 48:59 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here for the audio of Chapter 6 – Your Big Opportunity – 17:40 mins

Class Call #7 — Chapter 7 – In Nothing Be Anxious

Click here to download the class call – 53:04 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here for the audio of Chapter 7 – In Nothing Be Anxious – 19:10 mins

Class Call #8 — Chapter 8 – Fearlessness

Click here to download the class call – 51:12 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here for the Healing Circle of Love Meditation – 7:10 mins

Click here for the audio of Chapter 8 – Fearlessness – 19:41 mins

Class Call #9 — Chapter 9 – Victory & Fulfillment

Click here to download the class call – 53:02 mins

Click here for the Shift to Love Meditation – 12:05 mins
(same meditation from class call #1)

Click here for the Healing Circle of Love Meditation – 7:10 mins
(same meditation from class call #8)

Click here for the audio of Chapter 9 – Victory and Fulfillment – 18:02 mins

The Game of Life Manifesting Playbook is the perfect guide to show you where you’re using your power and where you aren’t.  The Daily Journal pages and Weekly Progress Gameboards walk you step-by-step through setting your new foundation of Love energy.  If you’re using the paperback format, it includes blank pages at the back to take notes and document your experience with the class.

You may order the paperback playbook from Amazon OR download the PDF file to all your devices.  The PDF file is 12 pages, the paperback is 332 pages and includes 3 months of daily journaling pages.  You have permission to print copies of the pdf for your personal use.

There are 3 ways to use the playbook:

#1 – Click one of the links below to order the playbook from Amazon:  United StatesAustraliaCanadaFranceGermanyItalyJapanSpainUnited Kingdom
13 digit ISBN:978-0982606162

#2 – Download the PDF to your devices, then document in a Spiral Notebook – no need to print out.

Click here to download the playbook pages PDF.

#3 – Download the PDF of the playbook and PRINT Out the pages, hole punch and keep in a 3-ring-binder.

Click here to download the playbook pages PDF.

Quiet Your Mind Exercise – shared with permission of the Chopra Center

Quiet your mind to meditate or just get clarity of thought and jump-start your day!

Click here for the full info – 4:19 mins

Click here for the exercise ONLY – 2:38

Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space

This powerful guided journey delivers you to your safe space where a magical waterfall clears away negativity and fear and replaces it with healing, love energy. When you leave your “Safe Space” you will be rejuvenated and empowered with the super powers of strength, stamina and quiet self-confidence.

Click here to download.  20:40 mins — This is my FAVORITE!  xoxo Kate

How to Create Your Heaven on Earth Program

Session ONE sets the foundation to understand the lower vibration of fear we normally exist in and reveals the power of love source energy.

Click here to download.

Session TWO explores the healing power of love and the Healing Circle of Love technique.  You’ll be guided as to what to expect and how to prepare to shift to love source energy.

Click here to download.

Session THREE guides you gently to send love to yourself to deeply heal all aspects of you, including your inner child.

Click here to download.

Session FOUR guides you to shift your energy from all forms of fear with regard to relationships and life situations outside your control to the powerful energy of love.

Click here to download.