Secret Door to Success Mastermind with Kate

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Secret Door to Success Mastermind

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Secret Door to Success Mastermind with Kate

The Secret Door to Success Mastermind is based on the Secret Door to Success, Your Manifesting Blueprint workbook that includes The Secret Door to Success book written by Florence Scovel Shinn. 

The physical world teaches us that we’re limited, helpless victims, stuck in a cycle of worry.

A hundred years ago, Florence taught that we are limitless spiritual beings that have the power to rewrite ‘subconscious records’ to create and live our highest and best good – happiness, prosperity and love in whatever form that is.  Florence was a divorced woman who held the safe space for her students to improve their lives during a time when the US was in the Great Depression and the world… was at war.

Today, I expand Florence’s teachings by showing you how to USE your power to improve your life.

Florence’s teachings open the way for all the negative neural pathways of belief (subconscious records) that are holding you back to be revealed.  The only problem is… so many people don’t know what to do with this revelation and they throw up their hands, claiming it’s too hard and they go back to drowning in despair and frustrated energy – yet never physically dying.

The energy of this mastermind creates the safe angelic space for you to get the insight, loving support and tools you need to manage and focus your internal energy to create and live your highest and best good – your version of heaven on earth.

The energy of the hidden beliefs will be revealed.

You’ll learn step-by-step how to identify Neural Pathways of Belief (subconscious records) that are holding you back.  Together, we will face them, follow the breadcrumbs of energy to where they were birthed and transform that energy to love.


Single Session $50

4 Session Package $160

I’m so grateful! Everything in my life is working out for my highest and best good & I’m excited to learn what happens next!