Deep Dive Central

Tuesday 9 Week Deep Dive into the Secret Sauce

Welcome, welcome, welcome!  Thank you for joining me for this exciting adventure to expand your awareness and shore up your empowerment!

This is your central hub for:

  • dates and time for the class calls (all calls are at 4pm Eastern Time – check the World Clock for your time)
  • links for the zoom calls
  • pdf of the Empowerment Journal pages and direct link for purchase at Amazon
  • bonus meditations, masterclasses and more – bonuses are added with each call – however there are already two powerful bonuses at the bottom of the page!
  • click here for the recording of the Secret Sauce for YOUR Happier Life workshop

If you have questions, please email me at

ATTENTION:  Please access the Zoom call a few minutes prior to the time the call begins!  These calls are loaded with information you won’t want to miss.  We will begin promptly at the appointed time.  If you are late, I may NOT see you in the waiting room to let you in!

MARK — YOUR — CALENDAR and watch your email!!

You will receive reminder emails for the calls:
Each Monday before the class on Tuesday
60 minutes before each class on Tuesday

Plus… you’ll receive an email letting you know when the class recordings have been added here.

Tuesday Call Dates: January 23, 30, February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 5, 12, 19

Call Time:  4pm ET – check the world time clock for your time

Join Zoom Meeting Link – the link is the same for all calls
Meeting ID: 853 4039 9383
Passcode: 432881

Call #1 – January 23

Click here to download Call #1 – 1:11:03 mins

Click here to download the Energy Shift from the call – 16:55 mins

Click here to download the Heart Space Meditation – 12:59 mins

Intention/Acceptance before meditation:
I accept what my life IS in this moment…
Now I set my intention…  with deliberate effort and focused attention, I breathe into my awareness of self… I accept that I am safe… I accept that I have the power to create a higher outcome – I USE my power today and every day after creating a higher outcome, fulfilling my dreams
I Am Safe.

Intention/Acceptance after meditation:
I accept what my life IS in this moment… I set my intention… with deliberate effort and focused attention, I breathe into my awareness of self… I will notice when my energy dips from LOVE… I will course correct – consciously choosing to BE the LOVE vibration I accept that I am safe… I accept that I have the power to create a higher outcome – I USE my power today and every day after creating a higher outcome, My dreams are fulfilled.
I Am Safe.

Life Hacks

Protection: Dearest Angels surround me with your diamond steel forcefield shield filled with strength, stamina and healing energy that deflects negativity in all directions of time and protects me from all viruses.

Dreams – before sleeping ask your Angels: please help me to only remember the parts of my dreams that will benefit me in my waking hours.

Call #2 – January 30

Click here to downlaod call #2 – 1:17:17 mins

Click here to download the Jesus Connects You with the Divinity Within meditation – 24:41 mins

Click here to download the Healing Circle of Love meditation – 7:10 mins

Click here for 65 minutes of music that begins with Quiet Your Mind exercise

Reflexology Recommendation: Helen Chin Lui – Healing Place Energy School on Youtube


Dearest Beautiful Light,

When I was first introduced to drumming, I was really skeptical as to whether it would support me in any way. I mean… seriously… drumming?

However… it didn’t take long to discover drumming is magical – just magical!  Even Majyk AngelFeather loves it when I drum – he wants to sit on my lap!

Just set your intention and start drumming – the rhythm of your heart will guide your hand.  I know that sounds weird, but when you start drumming, you’ll feel the rhythm.

Examples of intentions to set:

  • clearing your space of negativity
  • clearing your mind
  • manifesting something you want
  • healing for yourself, others, the planet

When you consciously set an intention, allow your thoughts and the images in your mind’s eye to flow.  You may receive action steps to take – or “see” receipt of what you want.  Embrace the energy you feel.

I highly recommend a 22″ Remo Fiberskyn drum – I love the low vibration it creates – and you don’t have to worry about humidity distorting the sound. I have both a 22″ Frame drum and a 22″ Buffalo drum.

I also have a 16″ Remo Buffalo Drum.  The sound isn’t as deep and sounds like angels singing!

Click here – 22″Remo Fiberskyn Frame Drum Amazon US

Click here – 22″ Remo Buffalo Drum – Amazon US

Click here – 16″ Remo Buffalo Drum – Amazon US

I highly recommend drumming to soothe your soul, and reconnect you to your essence, your higher self/superconscious.  The drumming raises your vibration (and your immune system) to a higher frequency of love. As a result, drumming magnifies manifesting from Love energy!

10 Reasons to Start Drumming - Dr. Christiane Northrup

10 Reasons to Start Drumming
by Dr. Christiane Northrup,

Drumming can have positive effects on your health and may help with many conditions from stress, fatigue, and anxiety, to hypertension, asthma, chronic pain, arthritis, mental illness, addiction, and even cancer.

Here’s why drumming is good for you:

1. Makes you happy. Participate in a drum circle or take a cardio drumming class and you will see how happy it makes you. Drumming releases endorphins, enkephalins and Alpha waves in the brain, which are associated with general feelings of well-being and euphoria.

2. Induces deep relaxation. In one study, blood samples from participants who participated in an hour-long drumming session revealed a reversal in stress hormones.

3. Helps control chronic pain. Drumming can certainly serve as a distraction from pain. And, it promotes the production of endorphins and endogenous opiates, which are the body’s own morphine-like painkillers.

4. Boosts your immune system. Studies show that drumming circles boost the immune system. Barry Bittman, MD, neurologist and President of the Yamaha Music & Wellness Institute, has shown that group drumming actually increases natural T-cells, which help the body combat cancer as well as other viruses, including AIDS.

5. Creates a sense of connectedness. Drumming circles and group drumming classes provide an opportunity for “synchronicity” in that you connect with your own spirit at a deeper level while also connecting with other like-minded people.

6. Aligns your body and mind with the natural world. The Greek origin of the word “rhythm” is “to flow.” Drumming allows you to flow with the rhythms of life by simply feeling the beat.

7. Provides a way to access a higher power. Shamans often use drumming as a means to integrate mind, body and spirit. They focus on the whole body and then integrate the healing at both the physical and spiritual level by drumming, which connects spiritual forces.

8. Releases negative feelings. The act of drumming can serve as a form of self-expression. You can literally drum out your feelings. When held, negative emotions can form energy blockages. The physical stimulation of hitting the drums can help remove those blockages. Drumming has even been used therapeutically to help addicts deal with their emotions.

9. Puts you in the present moment. While drumming you are moving your awareness toward the flow of life. When you are flowing with the rhythm of life you cannot be caught up in your past or worrying about your future.

10. Allows for personal transformation. Drumming stimulates creative expression. When you drum in a group, you not only get to self-express, but you get feedback from the other drummers. It’s the equivalent of talk therapy! Drum circles provide a means of exploring your inner self, and expanding your consciousness while being part of a community.

Therapeutic Effects of Drumming

This information comes from the website.

Therapeutic Effects

Current research now shows the therapeutic effects of drumming techniques. Research indicates that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system. In addition specific studies conducted by professionals in the fields of music therapy and mental health show us that drumming:

  • Reduces tension, anxiety and stress
  • Helps control chronic pain
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Releases negative feelings, blockages and emotional trauma

In a specific study conducted by Barry Bittman, MD, group drumming actually increases cancer-killing cells, which help the body combat cancer as well as many other viruses.

Life Quality Effects

Drumming induces deep relaxation, lowers blood pressure, produces feelings of well-being, a release of emotional trauma and reduces stress.

Stress, according to current medical research, contributes to nearly all diseases and is a primary cause of such life-threatening illnesses as heart attacks, strokes and immune system breakdowns. Chronic pain, which many of our veterans experience, has a progressively draining effect on the quality of life.

Research suggests that drumming serves as a distraction from pain and grief. Specifically, drumming promotes the production of endorphins and endogenous opiates, the bodies own morphine-like pain killers, and can thereby help to control pain.

Call #3 – February 6

Click here to download call #3 – 1:09:52

Click here to download Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space – 20:40 mins

Empowerment Tools/Action-Steps

  • DEEP Breath
  • Awareness
  • Accept what IS
  • Accept/Own Power – and USE it
  • Infuse Love/Forgiveness
  • Observation
  • Conscious Choice
  • Intention
  • Visioning
  • Meditation
  • Quiet the Mind
  • Clear Line Demarcation/SAFE
  • Chaos Flush
  • Employ Worry Angel
  • Drum
  • Dance/Music/Sing/Laughter
  • Empowered Reading
  • Nature – Earthing is Excellent!

Empowerment Cards – include:

  1. Subject of Card
  2. Intention
  3. Empowerment Support Tools
  4. Empowered Action-Steps
  5. Sign Card
More Empowerment Card Examples

Call #4 – February 13

Click here to download call #4 – 57:41 mins

Click here to download the Infuse Your Day/Life with LOVE/Acceptance meditation – 17:01 mins

Pam Gregory Astrologer Youtube:

Dr. Joe Dispenza interviews:

Jay Shetty –

Lewis Howes –

Call #5 – February 20

Click here to download call #5 – 1:02:23 minutes

Click here to download the Gratitude Immersion – Boost Immune System meditation – 17:13 mins

Trigger Action-Steps
  1. breathe deeply
  2. discern – am I safe
  3. accept what IS
  4. accept power & set intention for highest outcome
  5. infuse with LOVE

If you struggle infusing with LOVE – step back – and immerse yourself in gratitude.  Then infuse with LOVE.

12 Empowerment Support Tools
  1. breathe deeply
  2. be AWARE of your energy status
  3. consciously choose the energy you vibrate in
  4. accept what your life is in this moment
  5. accept your power and actively use it to improve your life with clarity of thought
  6. infuse your day and your life through the vibration of LOVE
  7. practice gratitude
  8. practice visioning and feeling the elevated emotions of already having what you want
  9. release the need to know how
  10. release the human need to hold on to unforgiveness, worry and harboring anxiety, overwhelm and stress
  11. meditate to achieve and maintain the vibration of love – syncing with the superconscious/higher-self – as one with the divinity within
  12. begin every day with the intention to improve managing your energy – at least 1% every day

Call #6 – February 27

Click here to download call #6 – 1:01:34

Click here to download the Forgiveness to Love meditation – 19:40 mins

Dr. Joe Dispenza interview with Maria Menounos:

The Earthing Movie – Prime, Tubi, Roku

Call #7 – March 5

Click here to download call #7 – 1:06:21 mins

Click here to download the Gratitude/Intention/Visioning meditation – 15:49 mins

Click here to learn more about the Empowerment Implementation Intensive.

Call #8 – March 12

Click here to download call #8 – 1:01:42 mins

Click here to download the Bless Chakra Energy Centers meditation only – 32:19 mins

Click here to download the Belss Chakra Energy Centers + infusion music – 54:33 mins

Click here for The Map of Consciousness at Amazon US
Note:  this book is 400 pages

Click here to Pam Gregory, Astrologer Youtube

Call #9 – March 19

Click here to download call #9 – 47:55 mins

Click here to download the Infuse Your Day/Life with LOVE meditation – 13:02 mins

Click here to learn more about the Empowerment Implementation Intensive.

Empowerment Journal

The daily journal pages of the  Empowerment Journal are the perfect guide to show you where you’re using your power and where you aren’t.  The Daily Journal pages and Weekly Progress Gameboards walk you step-by-step through setting your new foundation of Love energy.  If you’re using the paperback from Amazon, it includes blank note pages to document your experience with the program so everything is together – you won’t need a separate notebook.

You may order the paperback playbook from Amazon OR you may download the PDF file to all your devices.  The PDF file includes the daily journal pages and gameboards: Commitment, Weekly Progress and Gratitude Manifesting.  You have permission to print copies of the pdf for your personal use.

There are 3 ways to use the journal pages and gameboards:

#1 – Download the PDF to your devices, then document in a Spiral Notebook/journal – no need to print out.

#2 – Download the PDF of the playbook and PRINT Out the pages, hole punch and keep in a 3-ring-binder.

Click here to download the PDF for #1 & #2.

#3 – Click here to order the Empowerment Journal from Amazon in the US:
13 digit ISBN:978-0982606179

Chaos Flush Energy System Attunement –  Click here to download the manual for the Chaos Flush Energy System.

Meet Your Worry Angel
Click here to download the Meet Your Worry Angel Program
Click here to download the Meet Your Worry Angel meditation only

Meditations from the calls:
Click here to download the Heart Space Meditation – 12:59 mins

Click here to download the Jesus Connects You with the Divinity Within meditation – 24:41 mins

Life Hacks laughing

Protection: Dearest Angels surround me with your diamond steel forcefield shield filled with strength, stamina and healing energy that deflects negativity in all directions of time and protects me from all viruses.

Dreams – before sleeping ask your Angels: please help me to only remember the parts of my dreams that will benefit me in my waking hours.

Quiet Your Mind Exercise – shared with permission of the Chopra Center

Quiet your mind to meditate or just get clarity of thought and jump-start your day!

Click here for the full info – 4:19 mins

Click here for the exercise ONLY – 2:38

Cleanse & Clear Away Fear from Your Safe Space

This powerful guided journey delivers you to your safe space where a magical waterfall clears away negativity and fear and replaces it with healing, love energy. When you leave your “Safe Space” you will be rejuvenated and empowered with the super powers of strength, stamina and quiet self-confidence.

Click here to download.  20:40 mins — This is my FAVORITE!  xoxo Kate

Reiki I – Fee: $175 ($50 off because you’re in this class)