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2025 - Your. Year!
2025 with Florence to WIN Your Game of Life

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action steps to get immediate results.


Woo hoo!  THIS is your year!

Welcome to the first day of Your New Life! Every day you click into the magic of this program’s experience you’re vibrating at a new vibration … and it’s a new day of your new life!

The most important question you can ask yourself right now, in this moment is, How do I want to feel?

Happy? Peaceful? Fulfilled? Empowered? Prosperous? Joyful? Grateful?

All of the above?

YOU have the power within you to improve the way you feel when nothing in your life or environment has changed.

You. Have. The Power!

Let’s dive into claiming, accepting and using your it!

Please add kate@katelarge.com to your email contacts to be sure you get the Game of Life Daily GPS.  Each email will include a link to this web page where new content will be added weekly.

Scroll down to get immediate access to a PDF and audio files of The Game of Life.  Please be aware that the audio will speak to you differently than the PDF and vice versa.  So to get the VERY most out of this experience, read and listen. Every 4 weeks the focus will shift to the next chapter — new content will be delivered weekly.

The Game of Life for the 21st Century program and the Game of Life Masterclass will take you on a magical journey diving deeper into Florence’s teachings in The Game of Life. These programs include support tools, action-steps and meditations.

When you scroll farther down the page, you’ll discover excessive guidance and support to overcome the stress that wreaks havoc with your life.  Plus … all kinds of goodies – because that’s just how I roll cool

If you need additional support … you have the opportunity to schedule private sessions with me at a reduced fee because you’re a participant in this program.  You don’t have to struggle, winging it on your own anymore.

I know what it’s like to feel trapped, helpless and a victim – I perfected creating trauma and drama in my life through stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, angry, resentful energy – I made it an art form – for YEARS!   Because I got so good at manifesting the awful, then completely changed/improved my life manifesting miraculous experiences, I know you can do it, too!

Remember … No matter what you have or have not done in your life … you deserve to BE happy – you are good enough to live your fulfilled square of life


Welcome to the first day of Your New Life! Every day you click into the magic of this program’s experience you’re vibrating at a new vibration … and it’s a new day.  What will you do with it?  How will you show up for yourself?

This experience not only dives deeper into Florence’s Game of Life, it also includes simple, tried and true support tools and action-steps that empower you to improve your life.

I won’t beat around the bush here … it WILL take your effort.  But every step of effort you take counts and the more you implement the information shared below, the more results you’ll experience in your life.

When you apply yourself with the intention of improving your life 10% ever day … where will you be in 90 days?  The 90 days will happen whether you apply yourself or not, 

Let’s begin by getting real with your story.

Ask yourself every day – at least once per day – Who or What am I using as an excuse to feel anxious, stressed and/or overwhelmed?

When you answer – take your power back from the person or experience and consciously choose to FEEL happy — no matter what’s going on around you.

Click the sticky note to begin!

PDF & Audio of The Game of Life

What this is: PDF file of the book and audio files of each individual chapter.

Why it’s important: download the files to all your devices and you’ll have immediate access at your fingertips 24/7!

5 Stages of the game of life

What this is: there are 5 stages to the game of life – when you read what they are, you’ll recognize them.

Why it’s important: when you understand what the stages are, and why they happen, you’ll be empowered to master them.

Game of Life for the 21st Century

What this is: insight into each chapter of The Game of Life.

Why it’s important: I explore each chapter and include action-steps and tools to support you to improve your life.

Focused Master-Class Support

What this is: recordings of the Game of Life Master-Class.

Why it’s important: I dive deeper into Florence’s teachings in each chapter, fleshing out action-steps and support tools. Guided meditations included.


stress and overwhelm to experience peace and serenity

anxiety to feel calm and limitless

being a victim to feel empowered

foggy thinking to have clarity of thought

exhaustion to feel free and exuberant